RP Funding Mortgage Payment Options

RP Funding Mortgage Payment

Updated - 2022.03.09

If you are looking for a real estate professional in house loans, home finance, and the mortgage procedure, Robert Palmer is the person to contact. A mortgage expert can assist you in determining the best loan for your needs, like;

  1. Whether to go with a fixed or adjustable-rate loan
  2. The impact of FHA mortgage insurance on your monthly payments
  3. How much money you’ll need for a down payment?
  4. How much can you afford in terms of a mortgage payment?

These 3 free online calculators can help you to find out how much your monthly payment on RP Funding Mortgage will be:

Create an Online Account to Make Your RP Funding Mortgage Payment

RP Funding Mortgage Payment

Mortgage payment accounts for RP Funding mortgages are managed through the RP Funding Mortgage Payment Portal, which generates and monitors mortgage payment accounts. You can make payments in full, in part, or for past due amounts through the RP Funding Mortgage Payment Portal. You may also make payments and set up pre-payments without logging in to your account.

To set up your RF Funding account, follow the steps outlined below:

  • Type the following link in to your browser: www.rpfunding.com
  • Locate the Login link in the header menu, which is located above the RF Funding logo, and click on it.
  • Choose the second option below the Login button to register a new account.
  • Enter the following details:
    • Your Email address
    • Your preferred password. Remember to make your password unique and strong. The recommended criteria are as follows;
      • 8-11 characters long
      • Combine both lowercase and uppercase letters
      • Use both letters and numbers together
      • Include at least one unique character (@ #&*)
    • Re-type the previously entered password to confirm.
    • Click SUBMIT

Log into Your Account to Make RP Funding Mortgage Payment

RP funding Mortgage payment

If you already have an RP Funding account set up, all you have to do is log into your account the next time you want to make your monthly mortgage payments to get started. You can even set up an automatic credit card payment from your bank account, which will automatically deduct the amount on the day your payment is due from your account.

Follow the steps below to log into your RF Funding account:

  • Enter the following URL into your browser: www.rpfunding.com
  • Navigate your cursor to the header menu above the RF Funding logo and click Log in.
  • Enter the following information:
    • Your Email address
    • Password

Click on the Login button

Other RP Funding Mortgage Payment Options

Pay by Mail:

You should send payments to the address corresponding to the state you are mailing.

States: FL, GA, AL, MS, AR, LA, OK, TX, KS, CO, NM, UT, WV, MT, ID, OR, WA, ME, VT, NH, AK

Mail to:

RP Funding, Inc.

  1. O. Box 660592

Dallas, TX 75266-0592

States: NC, SC, VA, WV, KY, IN, OH, MD, PA, DE NJ, MI, NY, CT, RI, MA

Mail to:

RP Funding, Inc.

  1. O. Box 371306

Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7306

States: NV, CA, AZ, HI

Mail to:

RP Funding, Inc.

  1. O. Box 7168

Pasadena, CA 91109-7168

States: IA, IL, MN, MO, ND, NE, SD, TN, WI, Puerto Rico

Mail to:

RP Funding, Inc.

  1. O. Box 0054

Palatine, IL 60055-0054

RP Funding Mortgage Payment Questions and Answers

Is RP Funding a direct lender?

RP Funding is a direct lender that works directly with borrowers. There is no go-between in this transaction. In contrast to other mortgage brokers, which make their money by selling your loan to a mid-tier aggregator, make a profit- and only after that is your loan sold to the servicer. RP Funding directly trades securities with Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and Ginnie Mac.

Is there a No Closing Cost Refinance Program available through RP Funding?

Yes, however, it is only available for conventional loans. To qualify, you need to provide a copy of the prior owner’s title policy, a copy of a valid survey, and also need to establish an impound account. Discount points and rate buy downs selected by the borrower are ineligible. RP Funding requires you to meet the following eligibility conditions: 

  • Primary single-family residence
  • Fixed-rate refinance transactions
  • Loan amounts greater than $250,000 but less than conforming limits at less than 80 percent LTV
  • A credit score of 720 or higher

Borrowers who get CASH OUT at closure or use the proceeds to pay off any liabilities other than their prior first mortgage should have a loan-to-value (LTV) of less than 70%.

What is the Closing Cost Credit Program, and how does it work?

RP Funding will provide an additional Closing Cost Credit to borrowers who do not qualify for the No Closing Cost Refinance. This credit will be available for fixed-rate refinance transactions on mortgage amounts of more than $50,000 but under conforming limits and for debtors with a credit rating of 640 or higher. Closing cost credits will vary depending on the mortgage and will be revealed to the client on the Loan Estimate at the time of the Rate Lock.

What is the $1,000 Mortgage Guarantee?

Only Fixed Rate Loans qualify for the $1,000 Mortgage Challenge/Guarantee. This Challenge/Guarantee does not apply to Jumbo Loans or borrowers denied by R P Funding due to credit or income issues. 

The borrower must disclose the rival lender’s Loan Estimate Disclosure to R P Funding on the same day. A competitor’s loan program must be one R P Funding offers.

Customer Service

Customer Support: 


Department Inquiries:


RP Funding Requirements:


RP Funding Address:

1400 International Pkwy S,

Suite 1000

Lake Mary, FL 32746

RP Funding Email Address: [email protected]

Facebook: www.facebook.com/rpfunding/

Twitter: twitter.com/rpfunding

Instagram: www.instagram.com/rpfundingcenter/

Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/company/r-p-funding/


What to Do if I Made a Late RP Funding Mortgage Payment

It’s a good idea to avoid a late RP Funding mortgage payment at all costs, but mistakes sometimes happen. While you don’t want to be too hard on yourself if this happens, you need to consider possible consequences. Case in point: you could see your credit score take a hit if you don’t make payments on schedule. Also keep in mind that late mortgage payments may remain on your credit report for as many as seven years, which would adversely impact your credit score. What follows is a look at 3 proven strategies you can use to have late mortgage payment information scrubbed from your credit report.

Option #1: Contact RP Funding Mortgage and Make Request

Reach out to RP Funding Mortgage by phone right away, and acknowledge that your payment was submitted past the deadline. It’s important to admit you were in error. Let them know when they can expect payment. They may be willing to delete your late payment data so that your creditworthiness doesn’t suffer.

Option #2: Write Them a Letter

The next option at your disposal is to write a letter, known as a goodwill letter, to RP Funding Mortgage. In the letter, you’ll want to specifically and respectfully request a removal. Do these 2 things in the letter:

  1. Demonstrate that you accept that the situation was caused by you.
  2. Guarantee that there will be no repeat of the delinquent behavior going forward.

What follows is a sample letter template you can use as inspiration:

[Your first and last name] [your address] [your account number]


To Whom It May Concern:

I appreciate your taking the time to read my letter. The reason for this correspondence is that I found on my latest credit report a late payment listed on [date] for my [name of account] account. I’m aware of the importance of making timely payments and meeting my financial commitments. But due to [situation that led to the missed payment], I unintentionally missed the payment due date. Although I missed the deadline, I have since then taken measures to ensure this does not happen again. Specifically, I’ve [explain what has changed that will prevent any additional late payments]. Since my missed payment, I have had a flawless record of making payments on time.

One reason I’m making this request is that my intention is to apply for a [loan, credit card, etc], and I’ve come to understand that the missed payment reflected on my credit report could jeopardize my objective. Given the fact that my single late payment does not adequately reflect my creditworthiness and intention to abide by my financial obligations, I would be grateful if you would make a goodwill adjustment. This would delete my late payment on [date] and enable me to obtain a [loan, credit card, etc.) and to secure a better rate.

I appreciate your considering this matter, and I hope you will grant my request.

Best regards,

[your name]

Option #3: Make Them an Offer

Another option is to contact RP Funding Mortgage and make them an offer they can’t refuse. Lenders prefer to have people opt for automatic payments – so that payments are made on time, all the time. If you’re willing to sign up, the lender might be persuaded to scrub the late payment from your credit report as a goodwill gesture. RP Funding Mortgage may, if you do not wish to sign on for automatic payments, recommend another way for you to potentially get your late payment erased from your credit report.

How to Avoid Late RP Funding Mortgage Payments

When you do get approved for an RP Funding Mortgage loan, you’ll want to avoid any late payments. Here are a few tips that will help you steer clear of making untimely payments.

Tip #1: Sign Up for Auto-Pay

Your first order of business is to set up an automatic payment option, and you can do this either through your bank or through your lender. You’ll want to go with the most ideal option for you.

Auto-Pay - the Pros:

  1. You can avoid late payments and any resulting late fees. This will, in turn, ensure a healthy credit score.
  2. You can do your part to protect the environment with paperless billing.
  3. You won’t have to deal with any expenses relating to postage as you won’t need an envelope or a stamp, and you won’t have to fill out a check since auto-pay is done via electronic funds transfer.
  4. You will save time since auto-pay is convenient. No more will you have to take the time to sit down, write up a check, write your address and the address of the mortgage lender on the envelope, put on a stamp, and put the envelope in the mail. With auto-pay, you can automate the entire process of paying bills.

Auto-Pay - the Negatives:

  1. You could, if you’re not monitoring the inflows and outflows of money in your bank account, overdraw your account. In order to avoid any problems, just keep track of how much you have in your account at all times.
  2. You could potentially overlook things like errors, interest rate hikes, or other hidden fees. This can be avoided by simply making it a habit to go over your bill.
  3. You could fail to stay on top of things such as the amount owing or the amount you’re paying monthly. As has been mentioned, you can steer clear of such problems by checking into your account regularly. This will help you to know when it might be a good idea to made additional payments to reduce the principal quicker.

Tip #2: Sign Up for Alerts and Reminders

Receiving a notification for an upcoming bill payment can make all the difference. You can get this by using an app, by getting your mortgage company to send an alert or reminder by email, or even by using Google calendar. You’ll be able to avoid late payments by doing so

Tip #3: Set Up a Bill Pay Day

Another option is to purposefully schedule a period of the month when you can commit to making bill payments. When you go this route and have a system in place, you will avoid late RP Funding Mortgage payments.

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